Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Getting Started

Like some, but not all, other people, I am the queen of starting something--a creative work or project, typically--and then not finishing it. I don't know if I get bored with it, frustrated that it's not coming along more to my liking, end up trying to do much more than I initially planned or what, but I often begin things and then leave them unfinished. Of course, some of you may have heard the saying that "a work of art is never finished, simply abandoned," and, sure, there is truth in that, but I don't even really get to the "abandoning" stage most of the time--much more like "another aborted attempt," heh.

Maybe it's partly because it seems that I am much more of a thinker than a doer. It sometimes seems to me that I have a wellspring of ideas (for novels, stories, art, music, etc.), but the gumption fountain generally runs dry. So many things never even make it outside my head! And I guess I've created this blog, site--whatever--as a device to keep me motivated to finish more things, or, at least get them to the part where I can push them out of the nest and let them fly or fall on their on merit.

This blog resulted as an extension of me being sick of not getting anything done. I had set myself a challenge to finish one piece of sound work--one simple piece--and put it out there. I haven't put anything out into the public domain sound-wise for almost two years. Of course, I've got oodles of compositions in some state of beginnings. So, I started working on something new with the aim to get it finished and try to stick with the K.I.S.S.principle (in case, somehow, you're not familiar with that acronym, it's "Keep It Simple, Stupid"). I failed at the latter, but succeeded at the former, and now the piece "Fielding a Far-off Force" has seen the light of day.

But, instead of Keeping It Simple (Stupid), I ended up making a video for the piece, made this blog, started a Bandcamp, made a new Soundcloud account, made a CafePress shop, and etc.. This supposedly "simple" project turned into some multilayered thing somehow (it's because those ideas don't stop, they keep flowing, so...). I really don't know if this will help my EMP (Electronic Music Project) get any sort of audience--and I find the idea that I might actually sell some of my work through Bandcamp incredibly unlikely, perhaps even laughable (and don't even get me started on the Cafe Press merch, heh)--but, I suppose that the worst that can happen is that nothing changes except maybe I actually continue to finish more projects to the point of abandonment in the public space instead of merely sitting partially formed on my hard drives.

Certainly nothing will change if I merely continue to do the same old things, so...

Without further ramblings, welcome to "getting started" on making the Heir to Chronos project more "real" than mere ideas and dreamings in my head.

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